Shop with confidence at SheriSewSweet.com. Your private information including your email, home/shipping address, phone number, credit card or Paypal account or any other personal information will NOT ever be sold to a third party.
Products from SheriSewSweet.com are shipped from Saint Paul, MN, Monday through Friday, via USPS Priority, UPS or FedEx with tracking information. You will be emailed with the tracking information once your order is shipped. Most products will ship within 7-14 business days because all our items are handcrafted and Made to Order.
At SheriSewSweet.com we take great pride in the quality and craftsmanship of our products. Attention to design, materials, and construction is our priority. We carefully inspect your order prior to shipment to make sure it is of utmost quality.
We want you to be 100% satisfied with your order, so we will be happy to accept returns on unused merchandise.
We do not accept returns on monogrammed, personalized, or special-order items.
Shipping Damage Return:
Upon receipt, please inspect your purchase and notify us of any damage that may have occurred during shipping. We may ask for proof of damage that includes all the original packaging, so please do not throw anything away until a Return/Damage Authorization has been issued. We will arrange for a prompt replacement or refund per your request.
Non-Damage Return:
If you are dissatisfied with your purchase, returns are accepted within 30 days of receipt in the original packaging for a refund of the merchandise value. Please contact us for a Return Authorization. Once a Return Authorization has been issued and your order is returned within the 30 day return time-frame, it will be inspected and a refund issued. If for any reason a return is received beyond the return time or arrives damaged, you will be contacted via email. We suggest using return shipping with tracking so you can be sure your return arrives in a timely manner. Please re-package your items carefully using the original inside packaging and include a copy of your packing slip.